Sunday, June 19, 2016

vRealize Orchestrator, connecting to vCenter

I have been working with vRealize Orchestrator for almost a year now, and I think that it's a hidden jewel in VMware stack. But I have to admit, it's not easiest tool to start playing with, so I'm planning to write about some things that I have done with it, starting with very basic stuff, and maybe at some point some more complicated (and more useful) stuff.

One of the first things to do, is to add your vCenter server to your Orchestrator. In Orchestrator, go to a workflow: "Library / vCenter / Configuration / Add a vCenter Server instance".  Right click workflow and select "Start workflow..."

I have vCenter appliance in address vcsa01.vlab.dom, so I add that to first field. Then I change last option (Ignore certificate warnings) to Yes and click next

On next page, we set-up account to be used when connecting to vCenter. I'm using my vCenter servers SSO-domain, so account is vlabsso.dom\administrator, you could also use AD service account dedicated for this. I also chose to use this account always when using orchestrator, so answer to first question is 'No'

After submitting this worklow, if everything goes well, we have added our vCenter to Orchestrator. You can add multiple vCenters to one Orchestrator.

To see that vCenter was added succesfully, go to inventory tab, and see that you can browse your vCenter environment.

Now we have succesfully added vCenter to our Orchestrator.

Next post: first workflows

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