After joining ESX 5.5 host to Active Directory, I was not able to login with my AD account to host.
Also, lsassd ( Likewise Identity and Authentication Service) service was not running:
~ # /etc/init.d/lwiod status
~ # /etc/init.d/lsassd status
~ # /etc/init.d/netlogond status
And when you try to start it manually:
~ # /etc/init.d/lsassd start
Starting Likewise Identity and Authentication Service...failed
Reason for this, there is a directory missing in host! (And yes, it's a bug in ESX..)
So, login to host with root account, and create directory /var/lock/subsys
~ # cd /var/lock
/var/lock # mkdir subsys
But, Likewise Identity and Authentication Service is still not starting. So, you need to restart lwiod (Likewise Identity and Authentication Service) and netlogond (Likewise Site Affinity Service) and after that start lsassd.
/var/lock # /etc/init.d/lsassd start
Starting Likewise Identity and Authentication Service...failed
/var/lock # /etc/init.d/lwiod restart
Stopping Likewise IO Manager Service...ok
Starting Likewise IO Manager Service...ok
/var/lock # /etc/init.d/netlogond restart
Stopping Likewise Site Affinity Service...ok
Starting Likewise Site Affinity Service...ok
/var/lock # /etc/init.d/lsassd start
Starting Likewise Identity and Authentication Service...ok
And, now I was able to log in with my AD account to that host!
These links helped me resolving this issue:
VMware KB:
VirtualMe blog: